Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blowing Milk Bubbles... the perfect way to end a long and stressful/tiresome week!
Wowzaa - after going through a chemistry GR, a dreadful physics GR, a english visual presentation, and lastly, a calculus GR - my week has finally come to an end!

Today was crazy. The funny thing all started last night.
Here's the story.

After coming home from SPIRE (Youth Group), I was changing out of my ABU's into my PT gear for ACQ (mandatory study time from 1900-2130). As I was in the middle of changing, there was a knock at my door and I quickly threw my sand shirt back on in order to answer it (sand shirt is for ABU's NOT PT gear). As I was assisting my squadmate with his chemistry homework...our new DO (duty officer) decided to stop by. After being cussed out for about five complete minutes for not being in the proper uniform, he also decided to accuse us of being behind closed doors (which is a HUGE no-no) when the door was CLEARLY propped open.
When he finally left, my squadmate went back to whatever he was doing and I changed into the proper uniform.

So that was LAST NIGHT.


The SAME sargeant walked out onto our drill pad and apologized. His apology was insincere and he pretty much told us that we are the worst squad at the "P" school - but what does he know?
Our MTO then spoke to us about our actions. Yes, they were wrong. I knew I should have changed COMPLETELY into my uniform before ever opening my door, but it was a hectic night for me and I just wanted to get everything done.
So during PLT time today (mandatory training time) we had an inspection. Woop-di-doo! We had to stand at attention for about an hour to have our uniforms inspected.
That was the last we heard about that...but some oh so very exciting news about the weeks to come. Apparently, we can go back to basic standards. Oh joy. This is great....hope nobody messes up big enough to make everyone else suffer.

After our inspections, we stomped off to the mandatory wrestling match! And oh yes, we WON! Great job today guys! I give you props! Man, I have never seen such a big boy wrestle!! :-O

OH yes, not to forget what tomorrow is though - SNOWBOARDING AT KEYSTONE! I am so excited! I have all my equipment laid out on my bed and I am ready to jump in the shower, clean up, sleep, and wake up at 0400 tomorrow morning! Talk about napping on the bus =)

Give it your all - this whole week I have felt miserable because of tests and whatnot. In the end, I realized that I would not feel as good or accomplished right now if I had not done everything I had throughout the week. Trust me, I know what it's like to be clustered and focused on many things at take my advice and just keep at it! Nothing is better than the rewards you will reap at the end!

As Tigger said, "Ta Ta for now" (TTFN)!

Go With God
Cadet Candidate LMM

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