Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In the words of Dory...

"Just Keep Swimming!"

Today is another day. It consists of trials that we have to overcome in order to move on.
Last night as I was having a late night physics cram session with my fellow C/C's, I realized something.
No matter what, this Physics GR is going to have to be taken. Whether I dominate it or not is another question, of which, I might know the formula.
If we thought about how much time we put into things that do not matter *cough cough facebook cough* we might actually buckle down and get things done.
During my cram session, I was bored, so I decided to log onto my facebook. Lo and behold, I was on it for around 20 minutes before I remembered that I had a physics GR the next day. Ouch. Not a good idea, and I knew it.
Now just think; what could I have accomplished if I would have gotten off facebook and helped my classmates. I know - I would definitely understand the trajectory of an angle and how to calculate the x-position with integrals. Good thing I caught myself - I would have missed much more than that.
Teamwork: Everyone here at the "P" school has the same goals - to get to "The Hill" - so we all know that value of teamwork. This most likely developed through basic training. Yeah, people dread it. Honestly, even though I disliked parts of it, I enjoyed working with a team. It reminded me of high school soccer. My team never had drama (unlike my Husky Team here at the "P" school). Bravo Squad worked harder than Alpha Squad or Charlie Squad. We knew what we wanted - TOP SQUAD - and we worked for it. Physically, mentally and academically; we proved we could make it as a team. Sure, we've lost parts of our team over time, but that does not make us any less of a team!

From the beginning - we stick it out. They are the reason I will not quit today.

So - Physics GR - here comes your worst nightmare.

Go With God -
Cadet Candidate LMM

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