Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Morning..

...blues! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE SUNDAYS, but they can be depressing due to the meaning they bring. They bring joy and love from such a wonderful Savior, but they also bring the bad news of Monday! Blehh! That's what I say to that!

This past weekend was jam packed of fun-filled times! And it all started with Friday morning wake up at 0400!
0400 wake up and bundle up for a trip up to Keystone Mountain to go snowboarding
0500 be at the buses and grab a "boxed nasty" for breakfast which consisited of two pb&j uncrustables, one granola bar, one bottle of water, one yogurt, and one carbonated orange juice in a can (oh yumm)
0800 arrive at Keystone and put the rest of your gear on
0805 head up to the lifts
0805-1600 snowboarding until you can't feel your legs anymore with minimal breaks in between. Don't forget to hit all THREE peaks and watch all the skiiers wipe out and complain about their skis.

Ha - I have a friend that wiped out so bad that she lost BOTH her skis and BOTH her gloves! Random right??? Other than her, we had two C/C's head tothe hospital with concussions and one C/C dislocate his shoulder and tear ligaments. That one's going to leave a mark (especially because he one of the star football players here on the Husky team). I had a blast - no major wipe outs for me. But I did learn how to do a 180 spin in the snow :) That was fun...and also, I decided to be daring and actually go fast for once! That was a blast and plus...I was beating all the guys! Oh yeah baby! Talk about some serious competition - I honestly can't wait to go back up...maybe two weeks? Sounds like a plan to me!

So after all the joys up on the mountain - I sped down it quickly (and I mean VERY quickly) to catch my bus back to the "P" school by 1600. I had a blast on Friday and was bummed that I opted to head back to the school instead of stay up there. Oh well, there will be plenty more times! :) The bus ride back was fun! Although I was freaking out inside because I thought I had lost my itouch (which cost me over $300), I did manage to sleep some. When I woke up, the two guys behind me invited me to play the game of LIFE on one of their iphones. I lost, but not by too much. And, hey - I retired a millionaire anyways! What more could a girl ask for!?! After losing, I had a nice conversation with a friend the rest of the way back. We talked lots about family and friends and Church and the "P" school and getting up to the "Hill"! I'll have to say, it was an enjoyable conversation! :) At about 2000, we returned to the "P" and I went immediately to BED!

Saturday: woke up bright and early and started working on cleaning up my room! It was a pig-stye (sp) by the end of the day too, but I eventually got it squared away! I had to sit CQ, which is the front desk of my squadron, from 1200 to 1800 - yep, that is SIX HOURS! But I had fun. A couple of the guys in my squad came down and one of them played guitar while the rest of us sang :) "Train's Hey Soul Sister" is a good one! After the thrill of music, I had to buckle down and finish my homework. I had to and STILL have to finish so much for English class! Blehh, but i'm still alive! After CQ, I went and worked out! It was fun! I love working out! As a matter of fact, I'm going to lift and run 8 miles today! I'm trying to work my way up to 13 miles! I want to complete a half marathon! It's my goal for this school year. Next year...I want to work up to...DUN DUN DUN...A MARATHON! Well, we'll see how far I get! That leads me to the tip of the day:

Motivation: It's definitely hard to come by these days. As a young lady living in America, I see things fall apart all around me. Not just New Year's Resolutions, but also things much greater. Families are being torn apart by lack of commitment (if you commit to someone, you should give yourself wholly to that person, and THAT PERSON only)...relationships are torn apart by lack of self discipline...I see children's lives ruined due to thier parents lack of self's America these days and there is truly nothing that I personally can do about it. As my mother always told me, you have to change one heart at a time. You'll never get anywhere if you try to change the world, it's the individual that needs to be persuaded. So try and stay motivated. Motivated to become a better you; motivated to try to change one heart at a time; try to find that motivation inside you that brings the best out of you and when you do find it, share it with others!

Now, i'm drinking a wonderful Mixed Berry Black Tea, listening to Dave Barnes, and getting ready to correct the paper of a dear friend of mine!

Just remember - take nothing for granted, live every day as though it be your last, and don't forget to thank God for all that He has given you yesterday, today, and tomorrow!

Go With God ~
Cadet Candidate LMM

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